Sunday, October 10, 2004

La vida como el sueño

Retrato por Picasso

Desgarrada la nube; el arco iris
brillando ya en el cielo,
y en un fanal de lluvia
y sol el campo envuelto.
Desperté. ¿Quién enturbia
los mágicos cristales de mi sueño?
Mi corazón latía
atónito y disperso.
...¡El limonar florido,
el cipresal del huerto,
el prado verde, el sol, el agua, el iris!
¡el agua en tus cabellos!...
Y todo en la memoria se perdía
como una pompa de jabón al viento.

The cloud was rent apart, the rainbow was already bright in the sky, and the fields framed in a glass case of rain and sun. I awoke. Who was clouding the magic windows of my dream? My heart was thumping with astonishment and fright ... The lemon tree in blossom, the cypress clump in the garden, the green field, the sun, the wet, and the rainbow ... the wet drops in your hair. And all this was fading in memory, like a soap-bubble on the breeze.

¡Qué poema tan mágico! Se llama Galerías y es de Antonio Machado. Creo que fue escrito bastante temprano en su carrera. La traducción es de J.M. Cohen.


Anonymous said...

!Que poema rico,rico!

George Manka said...

"My heart barked"! - Is that right?

These days it could probably bark the Nokia tune! That reminds me - in Piers Plowman - that famous Medieval poem - there is a character called Gluttony. Langland has him so full of booze, that he ...

"pissed a pater-noster-while" - meaning he urinated as long as it takes to say the Lord's Prayer.

That's what I call "barking".

Machado alludes to this bodily function trope in a poem - I forget which one -where he calls his love - who recently died - his "no. 2"!.

Bernard, forgive me ...

Yotro said...

Some randomly squirted factoids about Machado.

He had a brother known as "the bad Machado." I think this is because Manuel was a librarian.

He married a 16-year-old.

He met Oscar Wilde but didn't like his lipstick.

Pessoa-like, he spun off other characters, including the fictitious critic Juan de Mareina.

George Manka said...

A not too distant decendant of Machado is Chris Rigopulos, lead guitar & vocals with the group "Honest Bob". The band's web site is:

I particularly like his song: Tapeworm of Love

I've got a tapeworm of love
I feed it daily but it isn't enough
I like the thing that it's a tapeworm of
It's a tapeworm of love

You can find the whole song at:

You really feel the Machado transferase in this scion of the poet.

Yotro said...

I like Honest Bob, thanks for the referral.

When you broke my heart and you threw it away
I checked into the hospital the very next day
And I asked the doctor for a bandage
This is a benefit of language

Juan José Calderón Amador said...

Saludos yotro.
De ese poema existe una canción de un cantautor español que se llama Hilario Camacho.
Escúchala si puedes.

Yotro said...

Gracias Flamenca,

No lo sabía. Me gustaría escuchar esa canción basada en el poema de Machado. ¿Quizás exista en el Internet como un archivo de forma MP3?