Sunday, October 30, 2005

Nada y todo

Leo poco. Duermo menos. Se me ha olvidado casi todo el castellano.

Estoy más ocupado que nunca. Estoy fatal.

Heidi tiene la culpa. Es todo ella. No me quejo nada.


Anonymous said...

She looks a bit like you in this picture, Bernardo, but she is beautiful

Anonymous said...

No me quiero esconder en el anonimato, el comentario era mio pero le di a 'anonymous' por error

Yotro said...

En la filosofía de la lógica las palabras pero y y significa lo mismo.

Por eso, podrías decir --- "Ella se parece a tí, Bernardo, y es preciosa."

Pero gracias, Alex.

¿Qué hay de nuevo?

The Singing Organ-Grinder said...

Hay peor:

Yotro said...

Gordita como una bragueta, Trevor.

George Manka said...

She does indeed look like you, Bernie. Therefore she is beautiful. (I hope you like that). How are you? Are you up to anything special?

Yotro said...

Hello George,

I do like that. I say I'm indifferent to the stream of contradictory remarks that are made. She's the dead spit of your wife. Ah, no, she's just like you. Well, the eyes are hers and the jaw yours, etc. And mostly I am indifferent but only mostly. What am I up to? First swim of summer the other day. At Maroubra. Harro-turf. Surf and turf. Good waves to you! And to all who ride in you!

Anonymous said...

Well spotted, George.
When they are doing the cancan together, each clad in pink cotton nighties, they are practically indistinguishable. Fortunately (for Heidi) Bernardo has hairier legs...

Yotro said...

Yotra? Who is Yotra?