Yes, but the Sydney site is less interesting (bugger all there) and the fabric betrays some kind of connection with the Barcelona outfit. Anyway, it's the light and colour in the photo that matters.
Yes, the colours are nice. It's like a great work of art. When you get lost in the philosophy and theory, you can always fall back onto the pleasure of the colours and the form. That's what I do. Klein will be remembered for his blue, rather than his artistic statements. It's like that painting by Ghirlandaio of the geezer with the pustulant nose. I don't know about you, but, renaissaince shreanaissance, that guy needs an extreme makeover, for the love of Mike!
You have Ici et La, Barcelona in the hyperlink. You must mean Ici et La, Sydney. AAh, that craving for Spain ....
Yes, but the Sydney site is less interesting (bugger all there) and the fabric betrays some kind of connection with the Barcelona outfit. Anyway, it's the light and colour in the photo that matters.
Yes, the colours are nice. It's like a great work of art. When you get lost in the philosophy and theory, you can always fall back onto the pleasure of the colours and the form. That's what I do. Klein will be remembered for his blue, rather than his artistic statements. It's like that painting by Ghirlandaio of the geezer with the pustulant nose. I don't know about you, but, renaissaince shreanaissance, that guy needs an extreme makeover, for the love of Mike!
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